Friday, November 16, 2012

Glazing Part 2

My piece is finally done! I think it came out looking pretty good. I used a combination of metallic green and blue rutile to glaze it. I applied the glaze by dipping my piece into big buckets of glaze one time for each colour. the glaze kinda covers up my original design and you can't see all of the details so next time i will make the design more obvious so you will hopefully be able to see it through the glaze.

Friday, November 2, 2012


I'm almost done with the glazing for my pinch pot it just needs a bit of fixing up so no pictures today. It's important to wash your hands and wipe the dust off of your piece before glazing because if you don't the glaze won't go on properly and won't seep into the piece like it's supposed to. When glazing your work it is always important to apply wax resist to your piece. If you are using a bucket glaze it is important to keep your piece in contact with the glaze for no more than one and a half seconds. You can't brush on a bucket glaze because it was formulated so you can dip your piece in it and if you try to brush it on it will not look right. I will hopefully have pictures of my pot soon.