Friday, March 15, 2013

Snow Days

The project that I am currently working on is a piece made from two identical hump molds. Its important to remember to have molds that are the same otherwise the two pieces won't fit together properly. it's also important to put them together correctly or else it won't look right and it also might fall apart. A third thing that is important to remember is when you are cutting out the top to cut it at an angle so that it won't just fall inside. I am not to sure yet if I want to carve a design into the clay or wait and focus on the colour scheme when i glaze it.

Friday, February 15, 2013

February Post

Four of the six cups I need to finish.
The project I am currently working on is making cups on the wheel. I have made four of the six cups and am ready to trim one of the completed cups. I still need to make two more cups and trim them then they can be fired. Other than being behind there are not really any things I am having trouble with other than some lop-sided cups and one that I made to short. The easiest part of this project has been forming the cups on the wheel although it's kind of hard to get them into the shape that I want.

Monday, January 14, 2013

End of Semester 1

First Project
I for whatever reasons don't have pictures of my other finished projects so this is the best i can do for now. my other projects that I have finished are a coil pot and a candle holder. the candle holder I think is still being fired (or something) and the coil pot i took home before I could upload a good picture of it (oops). I'll upload pictures when I have them.

This is from a blog post that I missed:

  • leather hard- clay which has dried sufficiently to be stiff, but is still damp enough to be joined to other pieces.
  • bone dry- clay that has completely dried out has not yet been fired. clay forms are most fragile at this stage.

It is important to connect and trim pieces on the wheel when they are leather hard because then they won't collapse while you are working on it.

For  a picture of my coil pot, please follow this link