Friday, September 28, 2012

Where are you today?

front view
back view
birds-eye view

So my piece is almost done! I just need to glaze it before the final firing. The design of the vase has changed some since I first envisioned it. I originally planned to have the front and the back be the same and not to have handles, but I think the changes I made make it look a lot better. The front still looks a bit rough and if I had time I would go back and smooth it out a bit. Overall I am happy with how the piece is turning out. I start the glazing process next week. More pictures soon. <3

Friday, September 14, 2012

pinch pot: vase

front view
birds-eye view
To slip and score a pot is to scratch the surface of your pot and then apply slip (very watered down clay) to it. This allows you to attach something to your pot more securely and there is therefor less of a chance of it falling off. To make this piece symmetrical, I first off had to get the shape right, then I had to position the handles correctly, and finally, I had to make sure the design was even. The next step will be to finish the design on the reverse side and then to glaze.