Friday, September 28, 2012

Where are you today?

front view
back view
birds-eye view

So my piece is almost done! I just need to glaze it before the final firing. The design of the vase has changed some since I first envisioned it. I originally planned to have the front and the back be the same and not to have handles, but I think the changes I made make it look a lot better. The front still looks a bit rough and if I had time I would go back and smooth it out a bit. Overall I am happy with how the piece is turning out. I start the glazing process next week. More pictures soon. <3

1 comment:

  1. Looking at the Rubric that I gave you in the beginning of the year, this piece falls into an A category. I am looking at: The use of Elements and Principles of design, Technical Skills, Conceptual Skills, Effort, and Creativity. We will look at the rubric together once the piece has been glazed and fired again.

    Very nice work! I can't wait to see this piece after the fire. There is a great balance throughout the vase. The form and line design compliment each other well.
